I'd like to welcome you and extend an opportunity to explore this site. The purpose of this blog is to provide a place where those who love Native American Music can share, listen and educate others. In addition, this site will also provide a place for those who are wishing to explore and learn about the beauty and brilliance of Native American music.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Explore Native American Music - An Introductory Collage

Ø    The Basics:  Native American Instruments
While this information is at the most basic level, this information from Pearson Education, Inc. provides fantastic information about the instruments that are primarily used in Native American music, that being the flute, drums, rattles and other instruments.  In addition, it provides a few facts about Native American instruments and music, one of which I blogged about previously, and also provides a brief list of books that may be helpful in exploring the topic of Native American music further!

Ø    Native American Flute – The Pentatonic Scale
This site is useful in understanding a little about the Native American Flute and its primary use of the pentatonic scale that most Native American flute music is played in.  While Native American music can be complex from a vocal standpoint, the Native American flute itself is quite basic and fairly easy to learn!  This site is useful for information about the fingering, scale and keys and will likely be most useful for those who are familiar with playing the flute.  If you’re not familiar with playing the flute, do not despair!  The Native American flute is a highly enjoyable instrument and is truly quite easy to learn!  This site is a bit more “technical” from a musical standpoint.

Ø    Native American Music Awards
Some may be surprised to learn that “The NAMMY’s” exist, that being the Native American Music Awards.  This year’s awards were just held November 12, 2010, at Niagara Falls, NY.  While many consider all Native American music to be “traditional” PowWow, or Spiritual music, this site will help to educate communities that Native Americans are highly active in a variety of genres, and that the Native American community itself is just as active in progressing and changing today’s music as any other group of peoples.  Feel free to explore the site to see who this year’s winners are, who sits in the “Hall of Fame”, and visit the” Video Channel” page of this site to watch/listen to a variety of outstanding clips.  If you’re interested, visit the “Did You Know” page for a very surprising list of names and faces of well known artists who are of Native American heritage!   This site plays a nice mix of music by Native American Artists on its homepage, and will help to break any stereotypical impression of what Native American music is!

Ø    Native American Music News – by Canyon Music
This is a great “overall” site by Canyon Music that provides the latest stories and information about Native American artists.  There are pictures, articles and video/audio clips to peruse.  At the time of this posting, there are great clips by O.W. Jones, a Native American flute maker and his connection to R. Carlos Nakai.  Amazingly, there’s a quick clip about Mr. Nakai’s songs being included on a PC strategy came called “Civilization V.”  Another great clip with information is about a Navajo singer by the name of Talibah Begay, a 16-year old artist who has released two albums of Native American children’s music.  This site will educate you in a variety of ways!  Talibah’s clip displays the Native American vocal music and does not include the typical drum accompaniment.  Most Native American music consists of vocals with supporting drum, flute or other instruments.

Ø    Listen Live – Stream “NativeRadio.com”!
This link will take you directly to Native Radio where you can stream live either “PowWow  and Traditional” Native American Music or “Mixed Format”.  This is a fantastic place to go to listen to a wide variety of both the traditional or modern day recordings.  You’ll be able to sit back and close your eyes while listening to the haunting, spiritual pieces, or you may have a preference for the more progressive and modern Native American artists that springboard from the traditional sounds of the flute and drum, incorporating them into a more modern sound.  NativeRadio.com is a fantastic way to gain exposure to Native American music and is actually celebrating its 10th year!

Ø    R. Carlos Nakai – The New Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix
I absolutely love this clip!  R. Carlos Nakai is the world’s premier performer of the Native American flute and has been honored with an exhibit at the new world-class Musical Instrument Museum which presents instruments from around the world.  R. Carlos is a phenomenal musician, playing many orchestral and classical pieces, and in conjunction with other musicians around the world.
 I’m also including his personal website as I believe it will help you get to know him, his music and accomplishments.  The video clip of Mr. Nakai is outstanding in that he shares about the honor of being afforded an exhibit where he has donated two flutes, and how the Native American’s have contributed to World Music.  He speaks of the timbre of the music and the mode, and how the pattern of the music moves individuals, evoking relaxation or meditation, and the spiritual aspect of the music.  He feels that the Native American flute allows him to speak from his soul which is a primary aspect of Native American music.  You can hear the beautiful, haunting sound of the Native American flute in the background as he speaks. 
And finally, I’m sharing another clip of one of Mr. Nakai’s songs, “Canyon Reverie“, so that you can enjoy the beauty of the Native American Flute in this piece as well as the accompanying imagery.  The flute plays a relaxing melody while stringed instruments can be heard in the background.

Ø    Mary Youngblood – Two-time GRAMMY Award Winner and EMMY Nominee
We wouldn’t want to miss displaying Mary’s information, for she is the first Native American musician to have one two GRAMMY’s.   She, also, is a Native American flute player whose music displays haunting melodies and the spiritual sounds of the Native American flute.  Her songs have accompaniment by guitar and by vocals at times, thus she is an excellent example of the combination of traditional Native American flute-playing in modern times.   She is a renowned artist and winner of many awards.  Her position on the spiritual aspect and basis of Native American music is extremely clear as she states, “I am simply a vessel between the Creator and this sacred instrument, the Native American Flute.  Listen with an open heart and you will hear the whispers of the Ancient Ones.  May their timeless voices soothe your soul.”


R. Carlos Nakai at The MIM

R. Carlos Nakai - World Premier Native American Flute Player

If you're wishing to hear some fantastic flute playing by a Native American Artist, I highly recommend R. Carlos Nakai who is of Navajo-Ute heritage.  Be sure and read his bio which is fascinating.  It discusses how he originally chose to play the trumpet, but see how a car accident changed his course in life to where he is today!


Another thing thing that is interesting about him, and you can read about this and see it on his website, is how many other classical artists he has played with around the world and how his works have been used in the movie industry.  This is a HIGHLY talented artist that I'm sure you will enjoy!

Basics: Native American Instruments and Music

For those who are just beginning to explore Native American music, I thought it might be helpful to share a site that goes into the basics about the instruments used by the First Nations people, as well as a bit about the music itself:


One thing that's interesting about Native American music that the site above points out is that the drumming rhythm is usually different than the rhythm of the song itself.  Next time you hear a traditional Native American song, listen for this...it's something you might not have noticed before!

First exposure to Native American music concert.....

Hello everyone!

This is my first attempt at creating a blog so thank you for bearing with me!  I'd like to share with you how I came to take an interest in Native American music.  I'm a student at Tacoma Community College taking a World Music class where we are able to attend a "World Music" concert as one of our assignments as an option to simply writing a paper about World Music.  While a paper is still due on this, I elected to attend a World Music concert for the purpose of experiencing it and helping to make the class "alive" for me.

I opted to listen to the music of Gary Stroutsos,  World Flute Master and Cultural Storyteller.  This is where I was first truly and fully exposed to the beautiful and haunting sounds of the spiritual Native American Music that is so deeply powerful.

I'm posting Gary's website so you have an opportunity to learn a bit more about Gary, the Native American music that he plays and hopefully provide you with the same starting place that I had that drew me in.

Take a look at the "Gallery" page that Gary has, particularly the flutes.  They are absolutely fascinating with carving and decoration representing various animal images of elk and eagle, to name a few!


I attended Gary's concert in Tacoma last month.  His combination of flute playing, storytelling of culture and personal experiences through time spent with Native American's is truly fascinating and enchanting.  If you have an opportunity to experience it, do not miss the opportunity to do so!